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Meet our Horses

Lakota Moon

Lakota Moon joined our team, we believe, by divine intervention. He came to Colorado from Nebraska to find himself at a performance ranch in Sedalia. As the stars aligned, a wonderful lady named Cynda, felt he would be happier with us doing equine assisted healing instead. Lakota  is a sweet boy who loves affection. Birds follow him and love to be around him and you will too. 



Layla is a rescue from Canada. At 6 months old (in 2005) she came to be part of our team. Layla is part Percheron Draft Horse, so she is big, beautiful and full of personality. Over the years, she has helped many people including kids in foster care, adults who seek personal growth & self-awareness, couples who are working on communication and building their bond, and many participants work with Layla to build self-confidence and more self-love.  Layla will love on you and challenge you just at the right time for your benefit.



Herd of Six

 Layla, Lakota Moon, Annie, Woody, Rosa and Rosie all live together on 105 acres at Plum Creek Pastures in Sedalia, Colorado in their herd of six. You will get to meet all of them when you visit the ranch for your session.

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