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Horses have a powerful spirit, undeniable beauty, elegance and grace that draws us to them.

Diana Berna





How are horses helpful to us?


Horses naturally inspire empowerment, hope and healing through their innate ability to interact and respond to what we have going on deeply within us. We cannot hide our true feelings or thoughts from a horse.  Interestingly, the horses will mirror for us and teach us what we need at the very moment we are with them. It is fascinating and wonderful. This interaction is the exact reason a horse can help us see new perspectives in our lives and help us grow, heal and move through difficult times.


This magical horse to human connection provokes expansive understanding and new awareness for our growth and healing.



What can you expect during a session?


Each session will be unique and different from the other. However, what is common to every session is you will be directly interacting with one or more horses to work on areas of your life that you may feel stuck, may need clarity, you may be feeling hurt or sad, or may want to build up and strengthen. 


Self-Guided Sessions:

At the beginning of each self-guided session, we will greet the horses and we will talk about what you would like to work on that day. Your facilitator will set up an activity for you and the horse(s) to do together. You will have the opportunity to focus on your topic of choice, such as trust, boundary setting, better communication, a recent breakup, change of job, letting go of old beliefs and facing your fears ~ to just name a few. You will spend your time with the horse(s) working on that area of your life and whatever else may come up organically during your session. 15 minutes before the session ends, you will have time to process your experience with your facilitator and then have time thank your horse with a treat. (Hugs and Carrots are horse favorites)


4 Session Package

At the beginning of each session, we will greet the horses. Your activity with the horses will be set up and ready to begin in alignment with the package you have chosen. 15 minutes before your session ends, you will have time to process your experience with your facilitator and then have time thank your horse with a treat. (Hugs and Carrots are horse favorites)


Keep a Journal


We recommend that you bring a journal to each session and take a few moments after each session to reflect and write down the highlights of your session.


Honor and Respect for Horses


Native Americans, cherish their horsesThey honor, respect and trust their horses as members of their tribe. In awe and inspired by their amazing horse to human relationship, we design all of our private sessions and retreats based upon this same level of respect and love for our horses. We fully embrace these amazing sentient beings as our teachers and guides. We are grateful that they can help us release hurt, heal ,grow and show us hope, peace and joy.


Allow us to take you on a personal and spiritual journey with horses!




Our Mission

We are passionate about providing an opportunity for all who have a desire to heal, learn, grow and make a heart2heart connection with our horses. 


Horse Rescues

We love to  team up with horses that have been rescued by holding some of our programs, events, and workshops at horse rescues in different states. If you have any in your area that may allow our guest programs, please contact Diana @

We will provide financial support to the horse rescue ranches through donating a portion of our event registration plus the typical facility fees.

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